• اطاق عمل

    Reserve your appearance in JelveyeMandegar Clinic

  • دستگاه ها

    The most advanced beauty equipments

Hair transplantation, beard, mustache, and eyebrows

The pictures in the image gallery of clinic are a valuable treasure that our beloved visitors have helped us to collect.

The same co-operation, goodwill and the desire to maintain their relationship with their clinic is a lasting effect, which is the greatest wealth and capital and encourages the colleagues.

The amazing results of hair transplantation and the natural growth line are visible in the collection of photos.


Number of images in category: 38
Category Viewed: 7382 time(s)


Our advisers are ready to respond to you


Jelveyemandegar Phone no. +98-21-41409
Jelveyemandegar Cell no. +98-990-129-7512
Jelveyemandegar mail info(at)jelveyemandegar(dot)com
Jelveyemandegar Phone no. +98-21-8850-7358
Jelveyemandegar SMS Send 1 to 2100033000 in Iran
Jelveyemandegar Fax no. +98-21-8875-1428
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Jelveyemandegar location Address: JelveyeMandegar Skin and Hair Specialty Clinic, Ground floor, No.4, Naghdi St., Mofatteh St., Beheshti St., Tehran, Iran

JelveyeMandegar (Lasting Effect) specialized skin and hair clinic dedicated website

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